Can You Get Ceramic Dental Implants While Pregnant?

Can You Get Ceramic Dental Implants While Pregnant?

Team Dental Implants

Ceramic dental implants are an alternative to titanium. They have many benefits over titanium implants, causing many patients to choose this option. If you have any particular health concerns, such as if you are pregnant, it is important to choose dental materials wisely. Can you get ceramic dental implants while pregnant? Here’s what dental and medical experts recommend. 

What Are Ceramic Dental Implants?

Ceramic dental implants are made of a biocompatible zirconia. They are surgically implanted in the jaw where they fuse with the bone to form a solid bond. An artificial tooth can be attached to the implant to replace the natural tooth. Multiple ceramic implants can be placed in the jaw to support a bridge or dentures. 

Benefits of Ceramic Dental Implants 

  • Metal-free. Ceramic offers an alternative to titanium for those who are sensitive or allergic to certain metals. 
  • Strong and durable. The type of ceramic used for dental implants can be stronger than titanium and last longer. 
  • Less visible through the gums. Ceramic is lighter in color, making it less visible through the gums if you have thin gum tissue. 
  • Attracts less plaque than titanium. Less plaque tends to build up on ceramic rather than titanium, reducing the risk of gum disease. 
  • Resistant to corrosion. Ceramic will note corrode with the constant moisture inside your mouth. 

Dental Implants During Pregnancy: What To Consider  

When it comes to the safety of getting dental implants during pregnancy, there are some important factors to consider: 

  • Anesthesia. Most dental implants can be placed using local anesthesia, which is safe while pregnant. If you need sedation for your comfort or for a longer procedure to place multiple implants, it may be better to wait until after your baby is delivered. 
  • X-rays. Digital dental X-rays are proven safe during pregnancy, and they will be required in preparation for the placement of dental implants. An X-ray shield will be placed over you that prevents radiation exposure to the torso and thyroid area. For an additional layer of protection we provide a Faraday blanket to block all radio frequencies. 
  • Gum tissue sensitivity. During pregnancy you may experience increased sensitivity in your oral tissues, which could make dental implant placement more uncomfortable than it would be if you were not pregnant. 
  • Your comfort. Once you reach the third trimester you may find it uncomfortable to lay on your back for very long, which could mean you won’t want to spend much time in the dental chair. And during your first trimester you may still experience morning sickness, which could become worse during dental procedures. If you decide to get dental implants while pregnant, the second trimester may be the best time. Please ask your medical provider for advice on best timing during your pregnancy or after.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ceramic Dental Implants

Do ceramic dental implants last as long as titanium implants? 

Ceramic dental implants can last just as long as titanium implants, often even longer because the material is stronger and doesn’t attract as much plaque. Ceramic dental implants can last for the rest of your life with good oral hygiene and maintenance. 

Are ceramic dental implants natural? 

Ceramic dental implants are considered to be a natural option for tooth replacement. Zirconia is a non-toxic, naturally occurring material that can be customized to the size and shape that is needed for dental implants. 

Not Sure About Ceramic Implants? Talk To Your Dentist 

If you’re trying to decide whether or not to get ceramic dental implants while pregnant, talk to the experts at TMJ Plus Wellness Center. We can discuss all aspects of the procedure with you and make a recommendation for the best course of treatment with your health and the health of your baby as the top priority. 

Call 817-481-6888 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.