The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) might seem like a small part of the body, but its impact extends far beyond basic jaw movements. Located on each side of your head, this essential joint connects your jaw …
The Role of Holistic Dentistry in Healthier, Sustainable Communities
Holistic dentistry may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about sustainability or community health, but it plays an increasingly pivotal role in creating healthier individuals and connected communities. By focusing …
How Do Dental Veneers Work?
Dental veneers are a cosmetic enhancement for your teeth that can improve your smile. Veneers can conceal imperfections in the frontmost visible teeth, making them look healthy and like-new. If you’re considering veneers, you may …
Ceramic Dental Implants: Myths vs. Facts
Ceramic dental implants are a natural option for tooth replacement. They have a variety of benefits over traditional titanium implants. However, there are myths about ceramic dental implants that may be preventing some patients from …
A Patient’s Guide to The Dental Implant Procedure
Dental implants are the highest quality tooth replacement option. When one or more teeth are missing or too damaged to be saved, dental implants can replace them with natural function and appearance. If you’re considering …
Natural Remedies and Practices in Holistic Dental Care
Holistic dental care differs from traditional dental care in many ways. The methods and materials used in holistic dentistry are all-natural and free of chemicals and toxins. The philosophy of holistic dentistry is that it …
COVID-19 Safety Protocols at TMJ Plus Wellness Center
As a dental practice, infection control is always a top priority for our office. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, most patients probably didn’t spend much time thinking about how we sanitize our chairs, waiting room, and …
How Can the Holidays Affect Your Oral Health?
The holiday season is certainly one for celebrating, making memories, and enjoying one’s time with friends and family. But sometimes, the holidays can actually worsen many aspects of your health, including your oral health! And …
The Road to Healing TMJ Pain with TMJ Plus
While TMJ pain may be feel debilitating right now, it’s not forever. At least, it doesn’t have to — nor should it — be. Unfortunately, many people live with TMJ pain for so long that …
How TMJ Orthodontics is Different
For most people, when they hear “orthodontics”, straightening crooked teeth is what comes to mind. Nothing else. What most people aren’t aware of is that there are actually 2 types of orthodontics: Traditional and TMJ …
The Long-term Effects of Untreated TMJ
TMJ disorder is painful, there’s no doubt about that. But what could be even more painful, is TMJ pain that goes untreated. Maybe you don’t think your TMJ pain is that severe or you have …
6 Easy Jaw Exercises for Short-Term TMJ Relief
When the pain of TMJ disorder hits, it can be brutal. It can make simple things such as chewing, yawning, or even talking uncomfortable. And while it is important—in any instance where there is pain—to …
Breakdown of the Symptoms: Head and Other Extremities
Last month, we focused on discussing the 10 Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder and then breaking down the face symptoms in particular. But if you have experienced or know someone who has experienced TMJ …
10 Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Disorder essentially occurs when your jaw is not working properly. While this may sound simple—pain concentrated in one particular area—the jaw actually exists at a primary crossroads of your body. This means …
TMJ Symptoms Breakdown: Face Symptoms
In this blog, we brought up the top 10 symptoms of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Disorder. Today, we’re going to focus on taking a closer look at the symptoms of the face. These include: Jaw Pain …
The Big Connection Between TMJ and Your Brain
Your brain is highly connected to your body—more connected than you may even think or realize. Two areas–the lower jaw and the skull– are especially linked together. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the exact joint …
How to Help Your Kids Avoid What You’ve Gone Through
Dental issues along with TMJ disorder can be hereditary, meaning that your child could be dealing with the same problems that you are. On top of that, as you may have experienced in your own …
Holistic Dental Health for Children
If you suffer from TMJ, you probably are well aware of the symptoms you often struggle with. But what about if lately you’ve noticed your kid is showing some similar symptoms such as grinding their …
How TMJ is Affecting Your Sleep
When it comes to finding relief from TMJ, many dental professionals focus on helping their patients manage stress, decrease inflammation, and prevent grinding while sleeping at night. These are standard recommendations that can definitely be …
Commonly asked questions about infections and cavitations
Many patients haven’t heard about bone infections or cavitations. Here are answers to some of the common questions related to these conditions. Q: Why should I consider a tooth infection as the problem driving other …
Why am I just now hearing about bone infections and cavitations?
“Why haven’t I heard about this before?” This is one of the biggest questions I hear from my clients when we discuss bone infections and cavitations. Bone infections can have a huge impact on your …
Cavitation sounds scary but trust us, it’s not
Discovering you have an infection in your tooth isn’t fun at all, but fortunately, there is a solution: cavitational surgery. This might sound like a terrifying process, but trust me, it’s not. During this operation, …
The surprising connection between your teeth and your organs
You’ve probably seen a flier about “holistic medicine” at a yoga studio or hanging in your organic grocery store. But you might not know what this phrase means. Maybe it brings up the idea of …
Five Ways to Find TMJ Relief at Home
It’s no secret that TMJ is painful and frustrating in its effects on everyday life. Seeking professional help is a great step, especially in the early stages, before it gets worse, but the good news …
Why Women Experience TMJ More Than Men
Out of all of my patients I see at TMJ+, the majority of them are women. And this isn’t just my office: millions of people around the world struggle with TMJ and more than three-quarters …
The Effects of TMJ on Relationships
Has oral pain impacted your love life? If so, you are not alone. There are many other people that suffer from similar problems. Any situation that requires the jaw to maneuver in an uncomfortable way …
Lifestyle Practices to Reduce the Risk of TMJ Pain
Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ) affects people from all walks of life. People often notice symptoms but associate them with another problem such as stress or temporary jaw pain. Other people feel that it isn’t that …
The Truth About Stress and TMJ Disorder
Is there really a link between stress and TMJ? Stress is how the brain and body responds to any demand or danger. Anything from simple everyday activities, like work and school, to major life changes …
Welcome to Our New Site!
Welcome to our new website! Check back for updates to our blog to get the latest news and information for our office. We are delighted that you chose to visit our site today and look …