side profile of woman touching her jaw in pain

What Kind of Doctor Do I See for TMJ Pain?

Team TMJ Disorder

If you have temporomandibular joint pain, you might wonder where you should go for treatment. Do you start with your primary care doctor? If your ears are bothering you, should you go to an ear, nose, and throat specialist? When your TMJ pain is accompanied by migraines, do you need to see a neurologist? There’s actually a better option available when it comes to TMJ treatment—and it’s one you might not have thought of.

The Best Type of Doctor to See for TMJ Pain

If you’re experiencing TMJ pain, you should see a dentist. Dentists don’t just treat your teeth—they’re specialists who are trained in the anatomy of the jaw and diagnosing dysfunction in the bite. TMJ pain is complex and a skilled dentist can help determine the underlying cause of your disorder and symptoms you may not even realize are being caused by misalignment of the jaw. 

Of course, not all dentists have the necessary knowledge and experience required to diagnose and treat TMJ pain. Some use a one-size-fits-all approach, giving all of their patients bruxism appliances and sending them on their way. This may work for some patients, but when it doesn’t produce results for others, they may feel hopeless or turn to invasive treatments that only worsen their symptoms.

What Sets TMJ Plus Wellness Center Apart

As you might guess from our name, TMJ Plus specializes in TMJ pain—but we do much more than that. We take a holistic approach to temporomandibular joint disorders. Your body works as a system and when one part is not functioning properly, it causes an imbalance that has wide reaching effects.

We listen and we understand because we know you’ve likely spent years searching for answers. The search is over when you come to TMJ Plus for your treatment. We know that your unexplained vertigo is because of your inflamed temporomandibular joint; we can help you finally understand why your head always looks tilted to the side whenever you get your picture taken. 

Most patients don’t just experience physical relief when they start treatment at TMJ Plus, but emotional relief as well. Suddenly, the strange assortment of symptoms you’ve been experiencing for years will make sense.

Other Specialists Who Can Help With TMJ Symptoms

We offer a wide range of treatment options for our patients because TMJ disorder can have a number of causes and each must be addressed differently. Often, we put together a custom treatment plan that involves a few therapies for optimal results. 

Our holistic approach means that we may assemble a team of specialists to address your symptoms. If arthritis is causing your TMJ dysfunction, we’ll work in conjunction with a rheumatologist to alleviate your pain; if you have posture and gait issues, we might call upon a chiropractor or physical therapist for additional support. Dr. Coats has an extensive network of like-minded professionals that can work together to provide you with relief.

Schedule an Appointment With Dr. Coats

If you’d like to find out if TMJ disorder is the cause of your chronic pain, contact us today at 817-481-6888 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Coats.